Tuesday, November 03, 2009


For the last three months we have not had a working camera. Last week we had a visiting Physician's Assistant in the clinic. I noticed he liked to take a lot of pictures I asked him if I could steal a few. He gladly gave them up. Here are some highlights from last week.

Rex: Our Clinic Mascot

Alfred is one of the boys in our Children's Home. He was slashing the grass near his home with a machete-type tool when he slipped and slashed his leg instead. I'll spare you the gruesome before-the-bandage pictures. But I will say that he was a super trooper and didn't even flinch during the hour of suturing through three layers of muscle, tissue and skin!!

Receiving a donated splint on behalf of the clinic.

Our Sheep and her little Lamb. Too bad the sheep wasn't up for posing for the camera!

A special Children's Day hosted by a team from CA for the children at our Children's Home and ELI School Brook of Faith.

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