Saturday, November 14, 2009

Quick Update

So I've been getting requests for an update on the rabies situation. Thus far both Pasadena (the cow) and Socks (the dog) are doing fine. They both received post-bite care from the vet. We have separated Pasadena's food and water source from the other cows. We are hoping that no news is good news at this point. I think we will wait a few more weeks till we say that the coast is completely clear. But so far so good! Socks actually had puppies within a week of the bite. They are adorable and she has been a great mom. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures up after my parents and Ashley get here with the new camera battery.

Speaking of which, we have less than 24hrs until they arrive! They should be landing in Dubai as I type this. They will spend the night there and then catch a flight to Nairobi tomorrow. They don't expect to see me until Monday at the domestic airport near our village; but I'm surprising them and meeting them at the airport in Nairobi. So shhhhh, don't anyone call them up and tell them!

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