Friday, October 30, 2009

Prayer Walk

We recently said goodbye to a team from Water of Life Church in CA. On their first day in the village I shared with the team that I've had it in m heart to do a prayer walk through our ELI sites here in Kipkaren. The team was enthusiastic about the idea and asked to join me. So on their last day here we met for a prayer walk through Kipkaren. We started with a team debriefing time up on a rock with an amazing view of the valley. We ended the debriefing time with prayer for the community of Chebaiywa and her surrounding communities.

After breakfast we went to the school to pray at Brook of Faith. The teachers actually called all of the students out and we shared together in a time of worship. Then we had a student, a teacher and a team member each pray for the school, teachers, and children. We thanked God for the school and the difference that it is making in so many young lives. It was a moving time. The headmaster thanked the team and asked that we consider doing this with more teams in the future.

From there we moved to the center of the Children's Home where the team prayed for the parents to have wisdom in raising the children. We thanked the Lord for the children who were formerly hopeless and have now found a future and a hope. We prayed for spiritual, emotional and physical health of the children. We prayed for good opportunities in future education. We prayed that leaders and even future Children's-Home-Parents would come out of this home. We also prayed that the Lord would open doors for ELI to build River of Faith Secondary school for the children to continue their education here.

We then moved on to the Training Center (TC) Garden. There we prayed for ELI's Christian light to shine brightly to all who encounter the TC. We prayed for the animals and gardens to be fruitful. We prayed for the staff and the Sustainable-Agriculture students. We prayed that the TC would be a place of empowerment for both those working there and those who come to visit. We prayed for the conferences and trainings that will take place at the facility in the coming year.

After the TC we headed over to the clinic. We thanked God for the tangible difference that the clinic makes to the people living in this valley. We prayed for the physical and spiritual healing for the sick in our community. We prayed for the staff to be encouraged in their work. We prayed that the staff would have wisdom when treating complicated cases. We prayed that the light of Christ would be a beacon in the village shining out from the Clinic. We prayed for the clinic to move more and more towards financial independence.

And then the team spontaneously took time to pray over William and I. They prayed that we would be encouraged and strong in our work. They prayed for protection over our home and our family.

It was a beautiful time. There is something special about standing on the site where the ministry happens and lifting that ministry up to our Father. Thank you for joining us in praying for this ministry and community!

1 comment:

SMC said...

Wow...I get chills reading this! Praise God!!