Friday, November 28, 2008


As I prepare to get in bed (yes at 8:30 PM!!!) I was mulling over just a few observations I have made about life these past few days:
  • The toilet paper in America is a whole lot softer than in Kenya
  • Jet lag seems to get harder to recover from with each passing year
  • Women in the western world wear a lot of makeup (especially airline stewardesses)
  • In America I get to take an AWESOME, HOT shower with GREAT water pressure, even when I don't really NEED a shower; in Kenya I sometimes skip my bucket bath because it is so inconvenient even though I probably really do need it!
  • American grocery stores are truly amazing. Seriously! I almost got lost in Albertsons the other night
  • I'm back to using Kleenex instead of a hankie to blow my nose
  • It's wonderful to be around close friends and family where you can just be yourself
  • The dogs here are larger than in Kenya
  • The cars are larger, newer, and go faster than in Kenya
  • The roads here are amazing! As in you can get from point A to point B without any teeth rattling out of your head
  • Not only can I buy tortillas, but I have like 15 different types and brands to choose from
  • William and I have been blessed with some incredibly special and supportive people in our lives. Without them we couldn't be in Kenya. Connecting with just a few of them so far has been great!
  • It is wonderful to put on a pair of trousers (in Kenya the word pants is equivalent to panties) and actually wear them outside my home. I'm used to always wearing skirts in Africa.
  • Life in general is way more convenient here
  • I don't really feel at home in CA anymore; but I don't really feel at home in Kenya either. Does that make me a nomad or something like that?
  • And lastly, I'm very very very tired. I'm sure I will make many many more observations about my home culture in the coming weeks. But for now I'm going to study the back of my eyelids and crawl into bed.

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