Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quick Update

Today is a crazy busy day but I just had to get this update posted while on my lunch break. So here I sit munching on fresh pineapple while writing this post.

This morning we had a super busy mama/baby clinic. But I wanted to share with you that I got to see the baby I talked about in the last post. He now has a name, Desmond. He is actually looking really good. He's been doing what babies do best, eating, pooping, and sleeping! He was pretty alert for his visit to the clinic. He got started on his immunizations this morning.

I actually didn't recognize him or the mom. They both looked too good! I was asking her for all the info and then it hit me, this is her! This is that kid who I bagged for 45 minutes! She laughed when she saw it hit me. She told me that she was wondering why I had to ask her name and birth info for the baby.

I told her to please keep bringing him for follow up at the clinic.

Well now I'm off to help get soccer camp set up. We have a medical intern who happened to play soccer in his undergrad program. He's going to be running a soccer (football) camp at our local public primary school. Today is the planning meeting where we get all of the assistant coaches together on the field. Ahh, the many hats I wear here on the mission field! But the fact is that I really love the diversity.


SMC said...

Yay!! Praise God!!

Enjoy that pineapple...I'm eating PB & J :)

casa da poesia said...

"negema wangu binti"
