Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Yum Yum

Matumbo is a much desired delicacy here. Want to take a guess what it is??? Goat intestines!!! The white stuff is ugali. It's made of maize flour, salt and water. It is the staple food here in Kenya. We saved a bit of matumbo from William's birthday party. I was looking for some scraps for the dog and William said "Don't touch my matumbo!". Just the smell of it makes me nauseous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gues you will now be familiar with me. Its interesting how you scrap some Matumbo for the dogs despite Williams protest, while you guyz proudly serve poridge to the kids. The point am making is am sick and tired of this old hypocricy of white gal "helping poor Africans crap" DIG IT