Monday, October 26, 2009

Rabies Follow-Up

I just wanted to follow up what is going on with the rabid dog situation we had yesterday. The rabid dog was killed after attacking one of our cows and one of our dogs. Both the cow and the dog have been treated by a veterinarian. The vet seems very confident that the injections he has given the animals will assure their health.

William and I are not quite so sure, so we are keeping the dog, Socks, tied up while we watch and wait. I really really hope that she is okay seeing as she got attacked while trying to protect me from the rabid dog. All of our research shows that if cows do get rabies they don't become violent. They just have an appearance of choking and then die. Cows are a huge commodity around here. But we can at least be thankful that Pasadena is the least valuable of our three cows. She is not pregnant or giving milk at this time. So it makes the watching and waiting a little easier. The vet will be coming for another visit for both animals and we will watch and prayerfully wait.

I've talked with the vet about doing some blanket immunizing against rabies in our area. When we asked for the immunization for our dogs about six months ago they told us they won't come unless they have at least a dozen dogs signed up for the immunization and then they never came. I've scheduled a date for him to come and I have assured him that there will be a dozen dogs and that I will pay for it myself. We are rounding up all of our neighbor dogs as I never want to go through this experience again.

My sinuses are just a tiny bit better today than they were yesterday. Thank you for all of your prayers and words of encouragement. We are pressing forward and keeping our chins up!

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